
Mangal To KrutiDev (Kruti Dev) Converter

Mangal Font to Kruti Dev Converter" is a tool that allows you to convert text written in Mangal font into the Kruti Dev font encoding scheme. The conversion process involves mapping characters in the Mangal font encoding to corresponding characters in the Kruti Dev font encoding.

Mangal Text:

Krutidev Text:

Please Note: The Converted Kruti Dev Text shown above will be seen as some random english characters. You need to copy the text and paste in your word application such as Microsoft Office Word or WPS Office and Paste It. After That, You need to change the font of the pasted text to Kruti Dev 010.

Convert Text from Mangal To KrutiDev Font

To Convert Your Text from Mangal to Krutidev (Kruti Dev), paste your Mangal text content in the text box and then click on "Convert To Krutidev Text". The Converted KrutiDev (Kruti Dev) Text Will Be Shown in the Krutidev Text Box.

This tool is useful for individuals who need to convert text from Mangal font to Kruti Dev font for compatibility with older systems or for personal preference. The converted text can be saved in a word document, sent via email, or quickly shared via WhatsApp.

Kruti Dev font is commonly used in the Hindi language and is a font encoding scheme used for writing Sanskrit, Hindi, and Marathi languages. It is widely used in India, especially in government and other offices.

Mangal font, on the other hand, is a Unicode-compliant font encoding scheme used for the Devanagari script and is widely used in India for typing in Sanskrit, Hindi, and Marathi languages. It is considered one of the standard font encoding schemes for the Devanagari script and is compatible with Unicode, making it easily processable and displayable on computers, smartphones, and other devices.


What is Kruti Dev font?

Kruti Dev is a Devanagari font used to type in the Hindi language. Kruti Dev is easy to type and is mostly used in government and other offices. Kruti Dev font is required on computer or mobile devices to view the text.

What is Mangal Font?

Mangal Font is one of the most used Hindi open-type fonts for Devanagari. It is designed by Raghunath Joshi and is available in Regular and Bold Styles. It is a Unicode Based Truetype Font. It by default comes in the Windows Operating System. Mangal is a Unicode-compliant font encoding scheme used for the Devanagari script, which is used for writing Sanskrit, Hindi, and Marathi languages. It is widely used in India for typing in these languages and is considered one of the standard font encoding schemes for the Devanagari script.

Mangal font provides support for multiple Indian scripts, including Devanagari, and is designed to be compatible with Unicode, which is a widely-used international standard for encoding text. This compatibility allows text written in Mangal font to be easily processed and displayed on computers, smartphones, and other devices.

Who created Mangal Font?

Mangal Font is created by Raghunath Joshi.

How to Download Kruti Dev Font?

Free Kruti Dev Font downloads are available on our site. Simply click the provided link to access the download page. The font must be installed on either a Windows or Mac system, and clear instructions on how to do so are included in the download link.

Can We Convert Mangal To Krutidev?

Yes! you can convert easily convert Mangal to Krutidev using our tool Mangal to Krutidev.

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